Find a Provider

Use this tool to find out which providers, such as doctors and facilities, are in the network of different plans offered through the Health Connector. With this tool, you can search for providers by name, location, specialty, health plan, and more.

This directory aims to show you if your providers participate in the networks of available health and dental plans. While the information in this tool is updated regularly, it may not always be accurate or complete. Before enrolling in a plan or making an appointment:

  1. Contact the health insurance company directly to confirm that your provider is in the plan's network.
  2. Make sure they will continue to be during the upcoming coverage year, if applicable.
  3. You may also need to check if the provider is accepting new patients.

By using this directory, you acknowledge that the Center for the Study of Services / Consumers' CHECKBOOK and Massachusetts Health Connector are not liable in any way for errors or omissions in this directory.

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